Shingles alone are sometimes not enough to protect your home. IKO has developed a superior multi-layered roofing system incorporating our industry-leading products. IKO’s Pro 4 Roofing System is setting the standard in protecting your home.

Shingles alone are sometimes not enough to protect your home. IKO has developed a superior multi-layered roofing system incorporating our industry-leading products. IKO’s Pro 4 Roofing System is setting the standard in protecting your home.

IKO’s Shingles

Crowne Slate, Armourshake, Roofshake, Cambridge or Marathon Shingles

Crowne Slate features layers of premium roofing material, saturated and stabilized with SBS modified bitumen to protect your home against Mother Nature. Armourshake is a heavyweight, laminated shingle set in an intricate shake-look design and detailed with eye-catching color contrasts. Cambridge is a premium architectural shingle that offers extra durability and protection. Marathon, our time-tested and traditional three-tab shingle, offers quality materials and an eye for detail.

Pro 4 System

Along with one of IKO’s quality shingles, your Pro 4 System includes at least three of these accessory products:


Asphalt Saturated Felt, RoofGard-SB or RoofGard-Cool Grey Underlayments

Asphalt saturated felt consists of a heavyweight, resilient, high-strength cellulose fiber mat that has been saturated with premium waterproofing bitumen. RoofGard Cool-Grey and RoofGard-SB are a synthetic, non-breathable, and water-resistant material that can be left exposed for up to six months without breakdown or performance loss

Eave Protection

GoldShield, ArmourGard, or StormShield Ice & Water Protectors

IKO’s Ice & Water Protectors provide a second line of defense against water penetration due to ice dams or wind-driven rain and the costly damage it can cause. This product is strongly recommended for sealing around vents, low pitch areas, ridges, hips, rake edges, chimneys, dormers, vent stacks and skylights.

Ridge Cap Shingles

Marathon Ultra AR, Hip and Ridge, Hip & Ridge 12 Cap Shingles or Ultra HP High Profile Ridge Cap Shingles

Ridge cap shingles are required where roof planes meet, and provide additional protection along these high stress areas of the roof, enhancing your home’s aesthetic appeal by accentuating the roofline.

Roof Starters

Leading Edge Plus or Leading Edge Starter Strips

Fast, easy and convenient, IKO’s Starter Strips are already cut to size, saving valuable time during the installation of the first course of shingles. Compatible with all existing IKO Shingles, Leading Edge Plus and Leading Edge include a sealant strip at the bottom edge allowing for a tight seal.

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