Rheinzink America Established
November 25, 2002
Rheinzink announced the establishment of Rheinzink America Inc., with headquarters in Cambridge, Mass.
Rheinzink GmbH & CO. KG, a manufacturer of titanium zinc building materials used for roofing, wall cladding and rainwater goods, announced the establishment of Rheinzink America Inc., with headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. The company will serve customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
Rheinzink GmbH & CO. KG, a manufacturer of titanium zinc building materials used for roofing, wall cladding and rainwater goods, announced the establishment of Rheinzink America Inc., with headquarters in Cambridge, Mass. The company will serve customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
“This new office will build on the dynamic growth experienced in North America over the past 10 years,” said Amir Massihzadeh, president of Rheinzink America Inc. “The new subsidiary will bring Rheinzink closer to the customer base and will better serve their needs by delivering value-added services and solutions including technical support, sales and training.”
Neil Rouleau, with nearly 20 years of building envelope experience, is the director of technical services.