
The Rest of the Steps to Creating Trucks That Work

June 21, 2009
Get the job done TODAY with a well-stocked and organized truck.

Remember The Goal:
Pull up to 80 percent of the homes you serve with a truck and truck stock that will give the Tech an 80 percent chance that they’ll have what they need to get the job done today.

Here are 10 more steps to implementation:

1. Keep the heaviest stuff closest to the floor.

2. Try to keep the biggest movers at eye-level to hip level.

3. Think about how you’d get heavy items off the truck and what that does to your stopping and safe operation of the vehicle.

4. Commit to which bins you’ll use whether they be 24 inches deep or 18 or 12 inches deep. They must be plastic to stand up.

5. Buy shelving that’s rugged enough to stand up to the beating. And make sure it’s adjustable metal shelving not wood, because no matter how much you try to figure it out you will want to readjust the configuration.

6. Build the bins and take digital photos of each of them because you’ll be doing this again and again. Hopefully, you’ll build them two at a time so you can put the next truck on the road quick.

7. Install the racking (shelving) and move the bins into place only after you’ve marked each column and each row with a marking pen.
    Example: Column A Row 2 or Column C Row 1
Note: This will be the quick remember system that’s part of the truck stocking form.

8. Consider access to power tools and how they’ll be protected and secured for easy on and off loading.

9. Make sure there is a clipboard with the specific number truck stock list at the back of the truck where techs jump on and off, and have a pen or pencil attached by chain. Train them not to jump off with any parts in their hands that haven’t been added to that list. No more waiting till the job is over to figure it out. Worse yet a day later figuring out what they used.

10. Take a picture of the tech inside the clean truck in a clean uniform and let them know this is  what they’ll be held accountable to.

Give Me 60 Minutes And I'll Show You The Secrets To Running A Profitable Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Carpentry, Electrical or any other Service Business... Even During A Recession!

Al Levi is a consultant and a contributing editor to PM magazine and blogs for many other BNP Media trade magazines. Al is presenting a free online video seminar called the “60 Minute Recession Solution” Online Video Seminar.

For the first time ever, you’ll hear from him and just a few of the many contractors who have engaged the power of the Power! Programs. They’re happy to share how this dynamic program worked for them and how it is still working for them, especially in these tough economic times.

“This program has helped dozens of business owners I’ve worked with one to one,” says Al. “The Power! Plans have also helped. But now, thanks to new technology, I’ll be able to help many more contractors with my 12 Month Power! Plan Coaching Program than ever before. This program will include the building of your own customizable Operating Power! manuals.”

These programs have been working for Al in his family business for years, and in his clients’ businesses where they are reaping the results. Click on the following link and learn more so you can see and hear for yourself: www.60MinuteRecessionSolution.com.