
Firestone Awards Scholarships for Academic Excellence

June 30, 2009
The Firestone Scholarship, as part of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress’ annual Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship program, was awarded to Laura Stabile of Wolcott, Conn. The Firestone Platinum Scholarship, as part of the North East Roofing Educational Foundation (NEREF) scholarship program, was awarded to Britney Curtis of West Chester, Pa.

INDIANAPOLIS - Firestone Building Products Company, LLC, recently awarded two scholarships.

The Firestone Scholarship, as part of The Roofing Industry Alliance for Progress’ annual Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship program, was awarded to Laura Stabile of Wolcott, Conn. The Firestone Platinum Scholarship, as part of the North East Roofing Educational Foundation (NEREF) scholarship program, was awarded to Britney Curtis of West Chester, Pa. “We are very pleased to present Laura and Britney with the Firestone scholarships for their outstanding academic records, leadership and participation in school and community activities, and work experience,” said Mike Vall, president of Firestone Building Products. “At Firestone, we understand the importance of post-secondary education, and the scholarship programs we’ve developed have allowed us to provide students with funding to continue their schooling.”

The Melvin Kruger Endowed Scholarship, which permanently replaced the Alliance's previous scholarship program in 2008, provides recipients with $5,000 per year based on eligibility for up to four years of enrollment in accredited university or vocational programs. NRCA member contractor or supplier company employees or immediate family members are eligible for the merit-based scholarships, which are granted without regard to race, color, creed, religion, age, gender, disability or national origin.

The NEREF scholarship program awards twelve $2,500 scholarships for a total of $30,000 each year for full-time study at an accredited post-secondary institution of the student’s choice. The program was created to assist members of the North East Roofing Contractors Association (NERCA), their employees and their respective immediate family members, who plan to pursue post-secondary education in college and vocational programs. For more information, visit www.firestonebpco.com.