
Content Is King: Power-Packed Best of Success in Clearwater

October 13, 2011
Roofing Contractor’s Best of Success Conference recently wrapped up two power-packed days in Clearwater Beach, Fla. I’ve said before it’s my favorite event of the year, and it definitely did not disappoint next year. Educational sessions covered topics including sales, lead generation, recycling, hiring, safety, and service and maintenance. Eric Harbin of OSHA was on hand to talk about new regulations, and NRCA president Kent Tolley kept the group up to speed on NRCA’s legislative efforts. 

We’ll have full coverage of the event and the educational sessions in our December issue. If you attended this year’s event, look for yourself on the cover of our December issue. If you didn’t, check out the stories and make a point to join us next year: Best of Success 2012 will be held Sept. 24-25 in Denver, Colorado.