
VTECH Skylights Receives Approval from Texas Department of Insurance For Use Along Gulf Coast

November 28, 2011

HOUSTON — The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) recently approved and listed the VTECH Industries 4x4 CMC Hurricane Polyurethane Glass, Impact Resistant Skylight and is compliant with the wind loads specified in the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC).

The 4x4 CMC Skylights are created by utilizing the innovative, patented Reaction Injection Molding process. The RIM process is similar to traditional injection molding, except that a chemical reaction occurs under low pressure within the mold. A single-piece system is created by fusing the aliphatic polyurethane directly to the lighting surface. A continuous, high-performance bond is formed, eliminating the chances of failure due to improper installation, weathering or large hail.

For more information, visit www.vtechskylights.com.