
Metal-Era Expands Online Continuing Education Program

January 26, 2012

WAUKESHA, Wis. — Metal-Era, Inc. announces an expanded online webinar continuing education schedule for 2012, creating more continuing education credit opportunities for design professionals.

Metal-Era now offers each webinar session, Understanding ANSI/SPRI ES-1, and Principles of Commercial Ventilation, twice per month. Metal-Era’s continuing partnership with the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Roof Consultants Institute (RCI) allows design professionals to receive continuing education credit for each course.

“Our continuing education program has become tremendously popular in recent months, and with attendance totals on the rise, it was an easy decision to add sessions to our schedule to accommodate as many people as possible,” says Don Browne, product manager – Airflow Solutions. “Some people have limited opportunities to participate in our face-to-face sessions, so participants really appreciate the flexibility of participating via webinar format.”

Understanding ANSI/SPRI ES-1covers wind uplift issues related to the roof edge, particularly the ANSI/SPRI ES-1 industry standard, which has been adopted by the International Building Code (IBC). Principles of Commercial Roof Ventilation focuses on the principles involved in properly ventilating a commercial roof system and the role of net free area (NFA). Both sessions offer one AIA Continuing Education Unit, one AIA Health Safety and Welfare credit and one RCI Continuing Education Hour. Principles of Commercial Roof Ventilation was recently approved to also provide one AIA Sustainable Design credit.

“One of our many goals is to be an educational resource within the commercial roofing industry,” says Khary Penebaker, product manager – Roof Edge Solutions. “Our continuing education program allows us to help specifiers, contractors, consultants and all roofing professionals stay up-to-date with important standards and industry trends, while also incentivizing the participant with continuing education credit hours.”

All sessions are free for anyone who wants to attend and no professional group affiliation is necessary. Participants can register for any of our webinar sessions at www.metalera.com/continuingeducation.

For more information, visit www.metalera.com.