
TRA Snow and Sun Hires New Estimator

September 16, 2013

AMERICAN FORK, Utah TRA Snow and Sun has hired Bryan Stone as a new estimator in the Engineering and Technical Department. Stone contributes a background in CAD engineering and manufacturing. Previously, he was a contractor performing technical instruction in computer applications and hardware technology, social networking and email campaigns for non-profits.TRA Snow and Sun Bryan Stone

In his role as estimator, Stone is integral to TRA’s dedication to engineering each solar-mounting or snow-retention solution, according to the company. When customers submit their plans and roof specifications, Stone reviews them, working closely with the sales department to ensure that the customer gets the type and quantity of product they are looking for. He works in depth with the CAD engineer on new designs and drawings, providing those to production and sales departments.

Stone sees great potential in his opportunities at TRA Snow and Sun. “TRA presents many diverse opportunities including product design, manufacturing and production,” he said. “I have always held an interest in the renewable-energy field. I am excited to be a part of their snow safety and solar installations initiative. Now that solar finally has the opportunity to become a major part of our utility scale power supply, our position at TRA has tremendous potential. I am a proud part of that team.”

Travis Washburn, CAD engineer and Engineering Department manager, works closely with the new estimator. “Bryan is very willing to help out with any task that is asked of him no matter how easy or difficult,” he said. “He always has a good attitude about doing the work assigned to him.”

For more information, visit www.trasnownandsun.com.