EcoState Empire Slate

EcoStar Earns Miami-Dade County Approval for Empire Slate

December 9, 2013

HOLLAND, N.Y. — EcoStar LLC has announced the issuance of Miami-Dade County, Florida NOA #12-1127.04 for its Empire Slate™ line of synthetic slate roofingEcoState Empire Slate tile. Officially accepted on Nov. 7 by the Miami-Dade County Regulatory and Economic Resources Product Control Section, Empire Slate is approved for use in Miami-Dade County as well as other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Empire Slate meets the highest testing standards for wind resistance to 110 mph (D3161), Class C and Class A fire ratings (UL 790) and Class 4 impact resistance (UL 2218). Empire Slate also meets the American Society for Testing and Materials standard for fungus resistance (ASTM G21-09) and carries approval from the International Code Council (ESR-3325).

Empire Slate is the second generation of synthetic slate tile made from post-industrial recycled content offered by EcoStar and is backed by an available 50-year Limited Material Warranty or 50-year Gold Star Labor and Material Warranty. Available in a wide range of standard and custom colors, Empire Slate is the eco-friendly, lightweight, durable and easy-to-install alternative to natural slate roofing.

For more information, visit www.ecostarllc.com.