Flashing Foam

VapAir Seal™ Flashing Foam

February 11, 2016

Carlisle SynTec Systems’ new VapAir Seal Flashing Foam is a low-pressure foam system that can help reduce heating and cooling costs by decreasing energy consumption. Designed to provide excellent flame retardancy, VapAir Seal Flashing Foam utilizes a non-flammable blowing agent and conforms to the requirements of ASTM E84 as a Class 2(B) System. Carlisle’s VapAir Seal Flashing Foam can be applied to both flat and irregular surfaces, and can also be used to fill large cavities where flame retardant requirements specify E84 Class 2(B) spray foam. For more information, visit Booth 1849 or www.carlislesyntec.com.