
RSS Roofing Services & Solutions Re-Roof Local Churches in Florida

June 12, 2017

ST. LOUIS —  RSS Roofing Services & Solutions Florida recently donated more than $25,000 in resources to re-roof two local charities: Faith United Methodist Church and St. Rose of Lima Parish. For the Faith United Methodist Church, RSS donated approximately $7,000 of materials and equipment to finish the 1,000-square foot re-roofing project. They also donated resources to provide a new 5,000-square foot pantry roof at St. Rose of Lima Parish, which was estimated to cost $18,500.

“RSS Roofing Services & Solutions is committed to building effective relationships with organizations in its neighborhood,” said Mark Gregory, general manager or RSS Florida. “When Faith UMC in Orlando, Fla. needed to re-roof its kitchen, RSS volunteered to help the community members.”

Denise Clark, treasurer of Faith United Methodist Church, added, “We are most appreciative of RSS’ willingness to donate materials and labor for this effort. A new roof was long overdue!”

RSS Florida also committed to help expand the Kissimmee, Fla.-based St. Rose of Lima Parish’s pantry roof, which was 3,000 square feet and will be rebuilt to 5,000 square feet. The Parish was in need of both monetary and in-kind donations for the facility, and RSS was pleased to help with the renovation. This re-roof project will begin later this year.

RSS Roofing Services & Solutions, based in St. Louis, Mo., is committed to integrity, safety, service and reliability. These core values help the company to flourish and serve the public around them. Using these ideals, RSS Roofing Services & Solutions believes they can help make a difference and create a positive transformation in their own neighborhood. 

For more information, visit www.roofingsands.com.