
NRCA Seeks Roofing Contractors to Help Develop ProCertification Program at IRE 2018

February 2, 2018

The National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) is in the process of developing its first national certification program for roofing contractors, and they’re looking to you for help.

The organizations is offering a free, day-long workshop for roofing contractors on Monday, Feb. 5 called the NRCA ProCertification Program: Exam Development Workshop on the eve of the 2018 International Roofing Expo in New Orleans. Participants will be asked to focus on how to write test questions about the roof systems they know best, such as; TPO, PVC and/or asphalt shingle roof installations. The workshop will be facilitated by NRCA's certification consultant, Dr. Judy Hale.

The sessions begin at 8 a.m. and run through 5 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Each participant will receive a $100 gift card and special recognition for their contribution to NRCA's initial ProCertification Program development.