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Malco Products, SBC, Earns Governor’s Safety Award for Workplace Safety

Malco Receives Meritorious Achievement Award from Minnesota Safety Council for Excellence in Workplace Health and Safety

June 23, 2018

Malco logoANNANDALE, Minn. — Malco Products, SBC, was recently honored for its dedication to workplace safety and health with a Meritorious Achievement Award from the Governor’s Safety Awards program, coordinated by the Minnesota Safety Council.

Applicants were judged on several years of injury data as it compares with national industry statistics, and on their progress in implementing a comprehensive safety program.

Malco received Meritorious Achievement Award recognition for incident numbers that are better than the industry average for at least three years, and for scoring a 95 on a rigorous 100-point safety program evaluation scale.

Since 1934, the annual Governor’s Safety Awards program has honored Minnesota employers with exceptional safety performance. Malco is one of 279 employers to be honored through the 2018 awards program, coordinated by the Minnesota Safety Council.

“We are proud to be recognized by the Minnesota Safety Council for our dedication to creating a safe, healthy workplace for each of our employee-owners,” said Mardon Quandt, Malco president and CEO.

“Congratulations to Malco Products, SBC, for helping make life safer inside their organization and beyond,” said Paul Aasen, president of the Minnesota Safety Council. “We are all safer due to the good work done by Malco.”

Malco is also proud to be certified through the Minnesota Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program (MNSHARP) for working with management and employees to develop safety and health programs that go beyond basic compliance with applicable OSHA standards for long-term prevention of job-related injuries and illnesses.

For more information about Malco Products, SBC, visit www.malcoproducts.com.