Lon Smith Roofing D-Day Vet

Photo courtesy of Lon Smith Roofing.

Lon Smith Roofing Honors D-Day Veteran with Roof for Vets Program

March 2, 2020

LAKE WORTH, Texas — Lon Smith Roofing launched the 2020 edition of its Roof for Vets program by honoring a local hero of the infamous D-Day invasion during World War II.

"We are proud to honor Mr. Ed Nobles," said Lon Smith executive Scott Hamilton. "We often hear that our country doesn't have any heroes left. Well, whoever says that has never met Mr. Nobles."

Following the war, Nobles returned home and lived at his current home with his wife for 66 years until she passed away. Hamilton spoke at a ceremony in front of Nobles' house while Lon Smith construction workers installed the new roof.

"He not only served in World War II, but he was part of the D-Day invasion and landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944," Hamilton said. "He suffered several combat wounds and was later the recipient of a Purple Heart."

Lon Smith Roofing began the Roof for Vets program a few years ago as a way to honor local military veterans. The company accepts nominations from the public. To be eligible, a candidate must have served in the military, must be in need of a roof and must need financial help in paying for it. The Roof for Vets program then selects one worthy veteran for each quarter of the year and installs a new roof at no charge..

Nominations are currently open. For more information about Roof for Vets or about Lon Smith Roofing, visit lonsmith.com or call 817-926-8400.