
BASF Introduces B2Last-R Modified Asphalt Solution

August 27, 2021

WYANDOTTE, Mich. — BASF has introduced B2Last®-R liquid asphalt modifier to the North American roofing systems market. This modified asphalt solution helps roofing systems last longer, improves operational efficiencies and is compatible with most liquid asphalts. B2Last-R is ideal for asphalt shingles on sloped roofs, self-adherent underlayment and flat, built-up roofing.

“As a commitment to our customers, we continuously review our material portfolio for new applications that will help our customers increase their operational efficiencies,” said Jaime Garza, vice president, BASF Monomers, North America. “B2Last-R for roofing complements our existing B2Last liquid asphalt modification offering.”

B2Last-R improves the functional properties of asphalt binders by stiffening the binder while maintaining workable viscosity levels.

“Functional performance improvement levels can be tailored or made on-demand by binder formulators to meet or exceed roofing specifications,” said Bernie Malonson, B2Last marketing manager, BASF Monomers, North America. “Since B2Last-R is a liquid, there are no solids to grind or melt and less energy is needed to produce modified asphalt solutions.”

Roofing companies and liquid asphalt terminals can achieve operational savings in asphalt modification when implementing B2Last-R. Unlike traditional polymer-modified asphalts, this reactive liquid asphalt modifier reacts at the molecular level with the asphaltenes in the liquid asphalt to increase the functional performance of the asphalt binder.

In addition, ongoing research in the U.S. and Germany shows the ability of B2Last-R to reduce and virtually eliminate toxic Hydrogen-Sulfide (H2S) gas emissions without hurting the liquid asphalt rheology.

Visit b2lastna.basf.com for more information.