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Polyset RTA-1 Receives Full Approval for Specification in New and Existing Texas Construction Projects

September 13, 2021

Roofing professionals in Texas now have a new tool in their arsenal. You can now specify Polyset RTA-1, a convenient roofing adhesive from ICP Building Solutions Group (ICP BSG), in new or existing construction projects throughout the State of Texas.

Polyset RTA-1 is a low global warming potential (GWP), one-component polyurethane foam roof tile adhesive that is specifically designed to bond concrete and clay roofing tiles to approved underlayment on new construction and repair work. Recent approval by the Texas Department of Insurance provides peace of mind for Texas roofing professionals, demonstrating the product’s ability to meet all relevant state requirements.

Polyset RTA-1 provides fast application and versatility with improved bead control, making it ideal for tile repair and eliminating potential penetrations. Unique product properties, improved performance and professional dispensing unit give Polyset RTA-1 many advantages over the use of traditional fastening methods such as mortar, nails, screws, or other one-component adhesives.

Find a distributor and learn more about Polyset RTA-1 at polysetadhesives.com.