
Harness Launches Major Redesign of Construction Safety App

November 22, 2021

Harness Software announced today that it is launching a new version of its safety app for contractors, adding new features and an improved look and feel.

The new version is a ground-up rebuild of the app that first launched in 2017, with improvements based on feedback collected over the last two-and-a-half years. Harness' safety app is used daily by over 35,000 field personnel across North America.

"It's got some exciting new features for doing day-to-day safety activities, for training your workers better, for getting better analytics so you can keep getting better at safety and save time and money," said Tom Whitaker, CEO of Harness Software.

Some of the new features include:

Redesigned Look and Feel

Based on input from field personnel, Harness now has a slicker, easier-to-navigate look that incorporates larger fonts and buttons, quicker transitions between pages, and a better way to identify what workers should be doing on each screen.

The 'Inbox'

The new landing screen in Harness V2 shows a worker exactly what they need to focus on that day. Workers will get notifications in their inbox when they’re assigned a toolbox talk, miss an important safety activity, have a new training lesson to perform, or when they’re assigned a corrective action item by safety staff or management.

Improved Photo Handling and Editing

Workers that add photos to forms in Harness will now be able to see a preview of their photo on-screen and perform edits on the photo such as cropping, rotating, adding annotations, etc. Similar to other popular photo apps, Harness will still tag photos with time and date stamps and collect all photos added to Harness in a single view so you can browse them whenever you like.

Lessons and Certifications

Companies now have access to a more comprehensive learning management module in Harness V2. Harness will help you create engaging lessons that can be taken by workers on any device with dynamic, custom-designed quizzes to prove a worker’s understanding of the training material.

The improved certifications tracker stores both internal and external training records for all your workers and you can easily share those records via QR code with third parties such as general contractors, OSHA inspectors, and more.

Better Compliance and Performance Reporting

Companies helped Harness by answering two main questions; "Is everyone in the field doing what they’re supposed to in terms of safety activities?" And "Are safety best practices being adhered to on our job sites?"

The new dashboards available in Harness V2 make answering both these questions easy. Harness provides real-time visualizations that can help managers and safety personnel identify top performers, areas of improvement, and high-risk conditions at a glance.

Learn more about what’s in Harness V2 at www.harnessup.com.