GREEN LINK Launches New Generation of Safety Caps and Straps for Securing Rooftop Pipe Support Installations

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — GREEN LINK has changed the composition of its straps and caps from urethane to injection molded glass-reinforced nylon, still retaining the striking “safety yellow” color. Straps are designed for Heavy Pipe while a cap design was developed for Lite Pipe Supports.
The Heavy Pipe KnuckleHead strap secures a 2.5-inch nominal pipe. The Lite Pipe Support cap is designed to secure a single 1-inch nominal pipe or two half-inch nominal pipes. Pipe supports straps and caps are attached with standard stainless-steel screws, which are supplied with the heads.
“We custom engineered these products to fit the unique shape of our head designs,” said Lisa Mulder, vice president and technical liaison. “There is growing interest in securing rooftop mechanical installations in the face of today’s climatic weather events. These straps increase the stability of pipes, conduit, channel and related mechanical equipment. Additionally, they satisfy local code requirements.”
GREEN LINK is an innovative engineering company that develops and produces polymeric architectural products for the construction industry. Original design, engineered from the from the ground up with the contractor in mind, featuring innovative Green Link technology. All made in the U.S.A.
For further information on GREEN LINK's Contractor Driven! product line, visit www.greenlinkengineering.com or for additional product information contact GREEN LINK.