
FROM LEFT: RC Publisher Jill Bloom, Art Unlimited CEO Anna Anderson, Hoffman Weber Construction and Roofle CEO Joe Hoffman, Vice President National and Strategic Accounts at Beacon Building Products Greg Bloom, and Leap Director of Business Development Thomas Basch.

RT3 Announces Winner of 2022 Innovator of the Year Award

December 5, 2022

The Roofing Technology Think Tank (RT3) has named Joe Hoffman, CEO of Hoffman Weber Construction and Roofle, as the recipient of its 2022 Innovator of the Year Award.

The Innovator of the Year award nationally recognizes a roofing contractor who has contributed to the advancement of the industry through technical innovation or product development. The award was presented Monday during the 18th Best of Success conference in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Hoffman is CEO of Hoffman Weber Construction of New Brighton, Minn., which was incorporated in 2004, and in 2020 founded Roofle.

“I’m really grateful for my team what put this together,” said Hoffman. “I’m up here taking the Innovator of the Year award, but this truly was a hive mind.”

Roofle’s mission is to revolutionize the roofing industry, or as it calls it, a “rooflution.” Roofle is a service that allows homeowners to find pricing for a roof replacement online before connecting with contractors in their area. Roofle aims to utilize the latest technology to improve it software, create an easy experience for homeowners, and capture data to better serve customers.

“We saw the biggest friction point is where consumers can’t easily get pricing for a roof,” said Hoffman. “We wanted to take the technology and make it easily accessible to every contractor.”

Greg Bloom, vice president national and strategic accounts at Beacon Building Products and RT3 member, said since the launch of the award, the amount of roofing contractors who have qualified for the award has only grown.

“This is something that the industry has needed for a long time, recognizing how important technology is to our industry,” said Bloom.

Previous winners include Curtis Sutton, president of Rackley Roofing in Carthage, Tenn.; Scott Riopelle, owner and CEO of Denver-based Interstate Roofing; and Ken Kelly, president of Kelly Roofing in Bonita Springs, Fla.

RT3 is an organization consisting of a group of progressive roofing professionals focused on technology solutions for the roofing industry.