Overseas 'Roofing' News
Snakes in the Roof.jpg

Carpet pythons can be intimidating, shockingly. The Queensland Department of Environment and Science says the species can grow up to 13 feet long and are well camouflaged, allowing them to hide among leaf litter in tree hollows, logs — and attics! 

— Photos courtesy of Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers;

  Image from the 2006 movie "Snakes on a Plane"

Thumping in Attic Leads Family to Chilling Discovery

One family in Queensland, Australia, has its own ‘Samuel L. Jackson’ moment

August 15, 2023

If you’ve never seen the 2006 pulp-horror flick “Snakes on a Plane,” starring Samuel L. Jackson, the reference in the headline may slither past you. And, perhaps that’s not such a bad thing. A report out of Queensland, Australia, has the making of a sequel, should the Hollywood writer’s strike get resolved.

Occasional noise from the roof isn't uncommon in Australia if you share a suburb with any of the country’s native marsupials. Still, one Queenslander was given the shock of a lifetime last night after attempting to track down the source of heavy "thumping" sounds in their ceiling.

Snakes on a Plane_Still.jpgThe noise was no cuddly Koala. That would have been a delight compared to the two giant male carpet pythons brawling in the space above where the family eats dinner every night.

Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers, a local wildlife trapping company, revealed on social media that its team was called out to a job after residents of a home reported hearing "incredibly loud, strange noises” in their ceiling. 

What happened next was, as Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers described, "one of the craziest snake catches" the crew had ever seen.

"We sent Tiarnah over to a job last night to a bloke who had been hearing noises in his roof, banging and crashing," a seasoned snake catcher with the company was quoted as saying, which was first reported on the Yahoo News Australia wire service.

"Now, the roof space which the snakes were in, Tiarnah couldn't access, so they ended up having to pull out a light fitting, and they put their phone up to find two big male carpet pythons fighting,” the employee said. "So they had to come up with a plan, and what the plan was — with the owner's permission — to cut a small hole in the roof to access the snakes."

In footage on the Yahoo News wire, a dark, dusty roof space can be seen through the lens of a phone camera and flashlight. Initially, only one snake appears in the attic, but a second quickly comes from behind. 

"Tiarnah was able to grab both snakes at the same time and drag them slowly and gently using a head grab out of the hole and into the bag," the employee told Yahoo News. Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers said it is relatively common for male carpet pythons to fight, even inside a home’s roof.

The discovery comes on the heels of a warning the company issued a day earlier about reptiles emerging from winter early this year. In Australia, the climate is not cold enough for snakes to hibernate; they go into a similar dormant state called “brumation,” which can last from one to eight months, depending on the reptile's size, health and age.