Curt Barker
Curt Barker
Suncoast Roofers Supplyhas appointed industry veteranCurt Barkerto the position of company president. The company’s previous president and chief executive officer Bill Tamayo, assumed an elevated leadership position of chairman. Barker has taken over responsibility in leading all day-to-day operations of the company, while Tamayo is now directing Suncoast’s new ventures and the strategic direction of the organization after 12 years of growing the company from two small distribution yards to 14 locations statewide. Relocating from Texas to Florida, Barker was previously Vice President of Steep Slope Sales with GAF-Elk, the world’s largest manufacturer of roofing products. Prior to the merger of GAF and Elk, he was an officer and Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing for ElkCorp. For information, visitwww.suncoastrooferssupply.
Amir Khan
Amir Khan
Polyglass USAannounced the appointment ofAmir Khanas the company’s new vice president of research and development. In this role, Khan will assume responsibility for overseeing Research and Development, Quality Control and Technical Services for Polyglass USA. Khan, who has over 12 years of experience in the roofing and building materials industry, has a strong background in quality assurance and quality control as well as in revolutionary product design. Polyglass operates worldwide with headquarters in Italy and operations in Central and Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe, the Arabian Gulf, Southeast Asia, North America, Africa, Oceania, and three plants in the United States. For information, call 800-222-9782 or visitwww.polyglass.com.
Walter Rossiter Jr.