NEWARK, Calif. - PetersenDean Roofing and Solar Systems the nation’s largest, privately-owned roofing and solar company, today announced it has received three Golden Gate Partnership Recognition awards from the California Occupational Health and Safety Administration during the past month, bringing to five the total number of times the company has been recognized for the effectiveness of its workplace safety and health programs over the past six months. According to Cal/OSHA, PetersenDean is the only roofing company ever to have achieved this milestone. The awards read, “Golden Gate recognition was developed to provide motivation and support to employers who proactively work with their employees and the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service. During our consultative visit to your company, your managers and employees demonstrated a commitment to continuously improve the effectiveness of its workplace safety and health management system. This commitment to workplace safety and health is being commended by the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service.”

The three most recent recognition awards were the result of worksite visits in the Sacramento, CA, and Fresno, CA, areas, where PetersenDean employees were installing roofs in new home and condominium developments. The company received two previous Cal/OSHA Golden Gate Partnership Recognition awards in February 2008 and December 2007 following jobsite visits in Palmdale, Calif., and Corona, Calif.