When EPDM systems break down from carbonization, separation of seams or by rooftop maintenance, often the cost of roofing repairs exceed the cost of a new roof.

When EPDM systems break down from carbonization, separation of seams or by rooftop maintenance, often the cost of roofing repairs exceed the cost of a new roof. A budget friendly option: recoating the existing EPDM with the Protrusions, Attachments and the field applied Seams with the P.A.S. System by RMI. No tear-off and low labor equates an immediate savings up to 75 percent. Future savings with lower cooling cost due to the reflectivity of the Energy Star rated Garna-Thane add to the attraction of the P.A.S. System.

For more information, call 800-ROOF-RMI or visitwww.roofrmi.com.