“As we continue to refine and implement our business strategy of establishing regional manufacturers of metal roofing, I couldn’t think of a better qualified person to join our board than Gene Colleran,” said Rob Waite, Drexel Metals’ CEO.
The EPDM Roofing Association (ERA) announced the hiring ofEllen Thorpas Associate Executive Director. Thorp will be responsible for the day to day operations of the association, tracking of state regulatory issues of importance to the roofing industry, and the logistics of committee meetings, as well as financial and administrative oversight. Thorp previously served in a variety of administration and management positions with associations and educational institutions in the Washington, D.C., area, including Assistant Dean of Students at The Catholic University of America.
“We are pleased to add Ellen to the ERA team,” said John Geary, ERA board chairman. “Ellen brings administrative, management and financial experience to her role with ERA and will be a key component in our relationships with members and other professionals in the building industry.”
With more than 40 years of success as a roof system of choice for low slope applications, EPDM is the leading roofing choice of architects, roof consultants and contractors for both new construction and replacement roofing projects, with more than 20 billion square feet of EPDM roof installed on more than 500,000 warranted roofs.