This Month:
Greg Bloom
Executive Vice President, Midwest/West Regions
Allied Building Products Corp.
The Book:
Executive Vice President, Midwest/West Regions
Allied Building Products Corp.
The Book:
The Encore Effect by Mark Sanbor
What is the message of the book?
The book details how to achieve a remarkable performance in everything you do. In life, whatever stage we are on - at home or in our professional career - in a way we are asked to perform every day. The best performances are worthy of an encore, and the “encore effect” is what happens when committed individuals strive to be remarkable every day.
How did the book inspire you?
The book used many examples of well-known, world-class athletes who reflected on their successes and what helped them achieve their ultimate goals. The message was clear: Success is determined by much smaller portions than most people realize. A tenth of a second or hundredth of a second can determine the fastest man in the world. In my opinion, this correlates with life and in business. Greatness is determined by the extra effort you are willing to put into your work, your family, everything you do. It’s a fine line. Realistically, commitment is not an either/or decision. We make choices every day that determine our level of passion and commitment. Are we simply interested, or do we immerse ourselves and invest in the things we do personally and professionally? Of course, your values also determine how you act each and every day.
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