KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The annual meeting of the Reflective Roof Coatings Institute (RRCI) was held at the Hilton Palacio del Rio, San Antonio on Feb. 7–8. The 2013 8thAnnual Meeting hosted 50 delegates from the reflective roofing coatings industry and was held in conjunction with the International Roofing Expo, in which RRCI was an exhibitor.

RRCI’s president, Greg Hlavaty, opened the meeting by welcoming the attendees and gave recognition to RRCI’s outgoing president, Tim Leonard, and its secretary/treasurer, Craig Smith. The annual meeting began with presentations from Sherry Hao from the Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) and James Hoff from the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing. The meeting ended with networking at RRCI’s cocktail reception, which surrounded two Raw Material Showcases, The Dow Chemical Company and Munzing.

The included sessions from John Calhoun with Principia, Dr. P. Rajesh Raja from Eastman Chemical Company and Joel Schwarz from Munzing. The meeting ended with committee reports from the RRCI committee chairman. According to the organization, the RRCI committees are working hard to network and market the RRCI as the industry leader of reflective roof coatings.

For more information about RRCI, please visit www.therrci.org