NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Get rewards for hard work with TAMKO Building Products, Inc.’s new program: Roof More. Get More. Beginning February 15, professional roofing contractors can earn rewards all year long through qualifying purchases of TAMKO® products. Plus, they can be entered to win the grand prize sweepstakes, where one lucky winner will choose between a new ATV or a $15,000 travel voucher to plan a dream vacation.

“When roofing contractors buy TAMKO products, we want them to know that we appreciate their business so we’re excited for this brand new Roof More. Get More. program,” said TAMKO’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing Stephen McNally. 

TAMKO’s Roof More. Get More. program runs in three periods throughout 2018. In Period 1, which runs from February 15 – May 15, the rewards include everything YETI – from tumblers to coolers. The rewards get bigger and better as contractors buy more TAMKO® shingles and they can look forward to more awesome rewards in Periods 2 and 3.

While earning the rewards, contractors can also earn up to 30 chances to be entered to win the grand prize sweepstakes. The grand prize entry period runs from February 15 – November 15 with a drawing for the winner to be held in the fourth quarter of 2018.

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