PORTLAND, Ore. — Severe climate conditions are driving demand for metal roofing in some parts of the U.S., according to the Metal Roofing Alliance.  

The nonprofit organization says the top five states with homeowners expressing interest in metal roofing are Florida, Pennsylvania, California, New York and North Carolina, with Texas close behind.

While these states represent major population hubs, MRA says, they also have other factors in common: All have experienced increasingly severe weather and extreme climate conditions. From wildfires and hurricanes, to rooftop ice dams caused by polar vortex winter weather, all-season durability and performance have become top priority for homeowners in many states, especially for those looking to repair or rebuild after a climate-related disaster.

Because quality metal roofing lasts 50-plus years, carries the highest Class A rating for fire protection and is strong enough to stand up to hurricane winds, hail and heavy snow, it is increasingly popular in regions where better protection against Mother Nature's unpredictability is essential.

The latest MRA figures also suggest that local demand may be outpacing the supply of qualified metal roofing installers in some regions. In states such as California, New York and North Carolina, the high number of metal roofing leads provided by the MRA are keeping a small handful of member contractors extremely busy.

"It definitely represents a major business opportunity," said Renee Ramey, executive director of the MRA. "Typically, metal roofing is a more profitable business because these homeowners are interested in durability and ensuring top quality protection versus trying to cut corners or find the lowest price. We are actively recruiting member contractors not only in these regions, but throughout the country who can help meet the growing demand for metal roofing from homeowners."

The MRA expects metal roofing demand to continue to rise in regions experiencing climate extremes, as well as areas where environmental awareness is high. These areas are candidates for additional growth, given the advantages metal roofing has for being an energy efficient, recycled/recyclable material and an ideal platform for rooftop solar systems. For these reasons, MRA is forecasting growth in locations such as Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Arizona and a greater swath of southern states. Yet the lack of qualified metal roofing contractors remains an issue when it comes to meeting local demand.

"Frankly, extreme weather and the need for more durable, resilient building materials are issues that impact nearly every region," said Ramey. "That's driving the need for residential metal roofing into brand new territories. Just as important is making sure there are local contractors ready to meet that demand, which is why the MRA is embarking on a full-court press to recruit more qualified metal roofing contractor members."