By drawing on her education and retail buying experience, Lyndsay Mohns has boosted her company to new heights.


RC: What do you do and how did you get here?

L.M.: I began working in the roofing industry in 2018 when I relocated from Toronto to return back to school and complete my MBA. Joining the family business, I was able to exercise my past experience in corporate retail buying and to assist in the new development of marketing while going back to school here in Florida.


RC: How does your company stand out in a such a busy market?

L.M.: Southern Coatings offers a specialty in roofing. The SPF roofing system is not installed by all contractors, as this method takes a great deal of training and equipment to complete accurately. As pioneers in the SPF roofing system, we have a great deal of experience in application.

We’re also a family owned and operated business. Many of our employees have worked with Southern Coatings since the beginning of the company. We value the importance of working as a team, and provide the best to not only our customers but also our staff.


RC: What are the biggest benefits and challenges to having generational differences in your company?

L.M.: No question there’s a large difference in generational groups within the roofing industry. The biggest challenge to the generational groups lie in methods of completing work. The ways in which completing a task and executing work stand very different between Generation X and millennials. However, with combinations of the two we see a very powerful alignment. Generation X/baby boomers hold an enormous amount of experience within the industry. If we can learn to exchange this information within each group we’ll see success. Generation X/baby boomers must also take into consideration what millennials have to offer. We’re fast to adapt and know technology better than any other generation. The ultimate combination provides the exchange of information between both groups.  


RC: What area of roofing are you most passionate about and why?

L.M.: Operations. I believe that success lies in leadership. Within an operation role, I can provide leadership to accurately plan out processes. Each function of the business, from job costing, to purchasing to scheduling are interdependent of each other. Providing the right processes and procedures help align the methods to execute work in an organized fashion, timely and accurate.