DENVER — Raffles Insurance Ltd. has named BluSky Restoration Contractors as its 2020 John A. Arnold Award of Honor recipient. The award, considered the "Stanley Cup of safety trophies," recognizes the risk and safety team in BluSky's western division for its exemplary performance.

"Each year, Raffles Insurance recognizes, through an award system, outstanding achievements in safety and loss control," said John Sobecki, senior vice president of Captive Resources, consultant to the Raffles captive insurance group. "These awards are presented annually in a variety of industry categories to the partners who have achieved the safest work environment for their employees and their customers."

BluSky Restoration Contractors not only achieved the highest total points in its business category, but the highest point total across all categories — winning it the John A. Arnold Award, the top safety award presented by Raffles. BluSky Restoration Contractors was selected from more than 380 partners of Raffles to receive the award.

"I am proud of the impressive work our risk operations manager Denise Harrison and her team are doing," said Kent Stemper, BluSky CEO. "This award confirms they're setting the gold standard for safety."

The John A. Arnold Award of Honor is named in memory of John A. Arnold of Petroleum Products Corporation, who during Raffles' early years served as its risk control chairperson and president. Arnold worked tirelessly as an advocate for safety, exemplifying Raffles' core values of "refer, participate, prevent and control losses."