DENVER — National Women in Roofing (NWiR) and the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER) recently agreed to offer mutual support to the other's organization as they seek to promote the roofing industry.

NWiR will communicate information about NCCER and its offerings to its Board of Directors and also to NWiR council leaders from across the country, encouraging council leaders to work with their local accredited organization and training centers. NCCER will invite NWiR members to contribute to its Build Your Future blog, providing insight and information about careers in roofing to their audience.

“We know that representation matters when talking to people about why roofing is such a great industry, and it particularly matters when trying to recruit traditionally underrepresented populations,” said Brenna Driver, area sales manager, Owens Corning; and member of the NWiR Board of Directors and Chair of the Industry Recruitment Committee. “That’s why we are also embarking on a photography project called 'Women on the Roof' so that we can increase our content of NWiR members working on the roof, on the jobsite, and in their field and provide these photos to NCCER and other interested organizations.”

In addition, NWiR will support NCCER and other organizations through participation in the nationwide Careers in Construction Month (CICM), a campaign held every October to increase public awareness of construction careers, inspire the next generation of craft professionals and make an impact on the perceptions of a career in construction.

NCCER recently partnered with the National Roofing Contractors Association to produce the second edition of NCCER’s Roofing Level 1 curriculum. NRCA and NCCER’s partnership increases consumer confidence that certified roofing industry professionals have the knowledge and skills required to do their jobs well. This roofing curriculum will also pave the way for NWiR local and regional councils to develop a relationship with their local NCCER training center.

“We are looking forward to working with NWiR on increasing awareness of the roofing industry as a career option, and particularly reaching women to share available training, credentials, and a fulfilling career pathway," said Holly Mathis, BYF manager, NCCER.