As we have for the past decade, RC will again circulate our annual survey to roofing contractors around the country in an attempt to gauge the pulse of an industry still emerging from the challenges brought by a global health crisis.

Within a few short weeks, contractors will again receive a survey from RC and the experts from Clear Seas Research — the survey and research arm of RC’s parent company, BNP Media. Hundreds of roofing contractors from around the country are expected to give their honest assessments of where the industry has been over the past year, and where they think it will be headed in both the short- and long-term. 

The key findings from the research will be analyzed by RC’s editorial team and the experts at Cotney Attorneys & Consultants, the sponsor of this year’s report. For the second consecutive year, members of the Cotney team will join RC in an industry-wide webinar designed to break down the results and lend their expertise for contractors to put the data into perspective.

“We got some outstanding information from last year’s survey. Real-world statistical information that’s useful for your business,” said Trent Cotney, CEO of Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. “We were able to use that data to project where we thought the market was going, regardless of what segment of the industry that you’re in.”

Hoping to build on that value this year, Cotney said there will be additional questions about emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic safely, the ongoing materials shortage plaguing the industry and more in order to spot important trends.

All of it will be compiled into an engaging webinar presentation scheduled for January 2022. Check back for more details, and catch up by watching the The 2021 State of the Industry Webinar, which is available on-demand through February 2022.

“It’s a must-see event,” Cotney said of the webinar. “This time there will be a lot of different questions, we’ll focus a little more on materials and some other things, but it’s important for roofers to get involved and participate.”