ATLANTA — Atlas Roofing Corporation recently celebrated its 40th anniversary by donating nearly $40,000 to Belinda Harvey, a resident of Meridian, Mass., and designer of the roofing manufacturer’s first logo in 1982.

That year, Harvey won the Atlas Roofing logo design contest, for which she received a $200 savings bond. This historical fact, however, was all but forgotten over the past four decades, that is, until Robin Seale, executive office administrator, found an old press release about it and shared the news with Jeff Key, director of marketing.

“When we discovered that Belinda was the designer of our original logo, we were determined to find her,” Key said. “According the 1982 press release, we learned that she attended Meridian Community College, but we had no idea where she’d be now, 40 years later. But lo and behold, she was still in Meridian, and we were able to track her down.”

In recognition of Harvey’s historic work, the Atlas marketing team concocted an idea to give back to her by challenging employees to donate $40 each for the 40th anniversary celebration in 2022.Atlas 40th logo celebration

Part of a company-wide email stated: “Because her life has been of service to others, we have the opportunity to give back to the woman who helped give us our most visible symbol.” With the help of the company itself, Atlas leadership pledged to match employee contributions 150% over what was raised.

On May 12, thanks to 166 employees who donated more than $15,000 in only five days, Harvey received a check for $37,687.50, which was personally presented by Ron Fredin, former president of Atlas Roofing; Warren Hood, chairman and CEO of Atlas Roofing’s parent company, Hood Companies Inc.; and Ken Farrish, current president of Atlas Roofing.

In addition to the financial gift, the manufacturer is also donating materials from its Meridian plant and partnering with a local contractor to give Harvey a new roof.

“In recognition of the important role she played in our company’s history, we wanted to give Ms. Harvey a roof made with the highest-quality products that we know will protect her and her home for years to come,” said Lauren Carlson, marketing and communications manager for Atlas.

While Atlas updated its logo late last year, the original — Harvey’s design — was the visual representation of the company for nearly the past 40 years, during which time Atlas has grown from its first asphalt shingle manufacturing plant in Meridian to 36 state-of-the-art facilities in North America.

For more information about Atlas Roofing’s 40th anniversary, visit