DENVER — Fortis Warranty announced that its company name going forward will be FORTIS. Founded in 2003 by industry experts, FORTIS offers roof performance solutions that feature extensive initial and ongoing reconditioning for commercial buildings as an alternative to traditional replacement, with long-term performance guarantees that are backed by global leader, Lloyds of London.

“Since our inception nearly 20 years ago, we’ve come to offer so much more than just a warranty, and our name change reflects that evolution,” said Rick Lewis, FORTIS president and CEO. “FORTIS offers a comprehensive range of roof performance management programs that provide financial security, extend the life of our customers’ roofs, and make a significant impact on ROI.”

The new FORTIS branding initiative includes logo design and tagline development that is representative of where FORTIS is today, as well as where it’s going in the future. FORTIS has maintained its corporate colors, including an orange and yellow gradient design element showing dynamism or change. The gradient is now seen in an abstract representation of a building, symbolic not only of the architectural asset that FORTIS protects, but also the direction and growth of the company itself. The new tagline encapsulates the expanded and comprehensive offerings by FORTIS, with a promise of “Roof Performance & Financial Certainty, Guaranteed.”

FORTIS is currently improving performance and increasing ROI for customers at more than 4,800 locations, with more than 140 million square feet protected, including many Fortune 500 companies that have turned to FORTIS to save money, gain financial certainty and extend the life of their existing roofs. 

Utilizing its unique FORTIS Roof Risk Assessment (FRRA) app with propriety roof scoring algorithm process, third-party lab testing, and nearly 20 years of roof system data in its underwriting process, FORTIS has helped customers save more than $500 million in capital roof replacement costs, for an average ROI of over 250%.

“FORTIS helps our customers manage their roof performance,” said Dave Schupmann, chief operating officer. “By eliminating unnecessary roof replacement, FORTIS provides our customers a 60 to 70% savings on roofing costs. With a downturn in the economy, and at a time when materials and labor have proven to be expensive and in especially short supply, roof performance management is more important than ever. FORTIS just makes good business sense.”