Zeitview, a provider of advanced inspection software and services, recently announced the expansion of its AI-enabled Property Insights Platform to assess rooftop conditions. In a release, the company stated its new offerings include thermal capabilities for commercial properties and AI/ML damage assessment capabilities for commercial, residential and multi-family properties. 

Supported by high-resolution aerial imagery of the roof secured from drone flights, the Property Insights Platform assesses rooftop conditions, identifies anomalies like debris, hail damage, rust, and more, and recommends optimized maintenance schedules. 

Using drones for rooftop and facade thermal inspection and analysis is becoming more common as the technology becomes more widely available, allowing contractors to proactively find moisture under roof membranes and potential areas of energy loss around the facade, enabling them to inform customers before damage spreads. 

Zeitview_2.pngZeitview, based in Santa Monica, Calif., said the AI/ML technology is used to identify the most common and costly rooftop anomalies, including hail damage, water ponding, and deteriorated membrane that may require attention or remediation. The AI vision highlights areas not characteristic of the roof itself, objectively covering every square inch and cataloging potential damage. 

“We cannot overstate the time saved by utilizing drones for rooftop inspection purposes,” said Dan Burton, founder and chief executive officer at Zeitview. “Through our comprehensive analysis, our customers can make faster decisions about each property’s real-time condition while increasing efficiency and maximizing deliverables.”

Zeitview says users benefit from pairing AI-driven imaging with its in-house team of roof experts collectively analyzing the imagery, determining the severity of the damage and creating specialized condition reports. 

In its release, Zeitview says the platform offers customizable thermal and measurement reports to drill down to the exact location of each rooftop variation. Additional thermal analysis occurs within the platform with qualitative temperature data and visualization to triage sub-membrane roof anomalies. Contractors can also use the imagery captured to create their own reports using the Property Insights Platform.

“Advanced inspection is quickly becoming more accessible through the use of drones and other smart technologies, leading to increased adoption by roofing contractors, manufacturers, commercial real estate, property managers and insurance adjusters,” said Jose Giraldo, general manager of property at Zeitview. “Given the highly reliable data provided by aerial imagery, we are excited to launch this expansion of our Property Insights Platform to provide our customers tools that standardize information while speeding up workflow and lowering costs.”

The release stated that reporting functions are downloadable and shareable, assisting roofing contractors and property managers in estimating repair costs and prioritizing projects. 

For more information on Zeitview’s roofing products and Property Insights Platform, please visit zeitview.com