A new report from Scorpion, a digital marketing and technology solutions firm, shows that with advancements in technology, especially generative AI, consumers expect businesses to give timely, same-day responses and transparency in pricing. 

The “Scorpion Pulse” report showed that 70% of consumers favor home services companies that accommodate multiple contact options, such as phone, text messaging, and online chat. 

"The ability to adapt quickly to changes in customer expectations, technology, and market dynamics is critical to success for legal and home services professionals,” said Jamie Adams, Chief Revenue Officer at Scorpion, in a June 5 news release. 

“The Scorpion Pulse reveals that consumers today expect immediate responses and seamless interactions, making it crucial for home services … [be] proactive and highly responsive," she added. “This report gives businesses the insights they need to make informed marketing and advertising decisions, leverage new technology like AI to their advantage, and optimize their digital marketing campaigns effectively, based on our proprietary data and research."

Data from Scorpion illustrates insights those in the home services industry should understand to help grow their businesses.

Getting Inside the Minds of Today's Consumers. 

The data bares out that speed isn't the only thing that matters. Home service customers demand transparency and quick solutions straight from reliable sources.

  • 54% of consumers will decide on a home services provider within four hours of researching options.
  • Transparency and word of mouth are important for consumers, with 67% checking at least three different review sources before deciding and 64% only considering providers with at least a 4-out-of-5-star rating. 
  • The top three qualities consumers look for in a home services provider are affordability (58%), dependability (56%), and knowledgeability (35%).

In AI We Trust 

Consumer understanding, acceptance, and adoption of AI is growing. The intersection of AI and traditional Search on Google and other search engines is changing how people see, trust, and use AI-generated results.

  • Regarding AI search results on Google and other search engines, 75% of consumers feel it improves the experience of looking for and researching local businesses.
  • 67% noted having some AI experience, with the top categories being education and research, gaming and entertainment, and shopping.
  • 33% of consumers say they trust AI-generated search results, depending on the source those results come from. 

To see the full report and gain valuable insight on navigating digital marketing, the future of search, AI in-home services, visit scorpion.co/pulse.