Roofing Contractorasked a variety of industry insiders and other professionals to share their insights on key trends they’ve indentified in the commercial and residential roofing markets and offer advice on the key problems facing contractors in the year ahead.
Inconsistency and uncertainty characterized the past year, yet neither was necessarily a show-stopper for those of us in the roofing industry that have successfully focused our efforts on continued innovation, value and quality.
As part of its State of the Industry Report, Roofing Contractor reached out to some industry insiders to get their predictions on what 2011 might hold in store for contractors. They shared their insights on trends in the commercial and residential roofing markets and offered advice to help contractors make the most of their opportunities in the year ahead.
For the third year in a row, Roofing Contractor and BNP Media Market Research teamed up to conduct a research study to get the contractors’ perspective on the roofing industry.