Falltech's new Ladder Stanchion Anchors enable businesses to meet the requirements of OSHA's final rule on general industry walking-working surface and fall protection standards.
Roofing contractors must carefully consider how to use a harness and tool belt together in order to exhibit a good-faith effort to eliminate or mitigate infeasibility and greater fall hazards.
The Hybrid Hog Dual Class Self-Retracting Lifeline (SRL) gives Class A and Class B fall protection in a single device while meeting standards for both classes.
FallTech®, an innovator and leader in Fall Protection Equipment for workers at heights has re-engineered and is launching an update to their work-duty harness, the Journeyman FLEX.
FallTech, a leader in personal safety fall protection products has announced the launch of a new family of DuraTech Self-Retracting Devices with a side cable payout; a new generation of SRD.
Under Federal law, all individuals are presumed legally competent until a judicial hearing determines otherwise. Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), however, the competency criteria of a designated employee must first be evaluated by his/her employer.