In a story perfect for Thanksgiving, a New Jersey roofing contractor worked to give a local family a free roof and rallied the community for food and toy donations.
GAF received the award thanks to its "Community Matters" campaign and other efforts to support communities following natural disasters and global pandemics.
Garland continues with charitable initiatives to celebrate its 125th anniversary, donating125 backpacks filled with various school supplies to local Miles Park School.
Find out which veterans from across the nation will receive free roof repairs or replacements from Beacon Building Products' annual Beacon of Hope contest.
U.S. Marine Corporal Chris Miller survived an attack and 50-foot cliff fall and now helps injured veterans through the Travis Mills Foundation and Dogs For Our Brave.
Polyglass contributed all the modified bitumen and related membrane accessories at no cost the Shriner’s for a project that reroofed their Kerack in Reno, Nev.