The Metal Roofing Summit brings together home improvement contractors from across North America to learn about cutting edge practices and technologies.
The two-day Roofing School training will cover estimating, safety, identifying repair needs, preparing the substrate, operating equipment, and applying material.
McDermott has served in a variety of sales and marketing leadership roles with increasing responsibility and has been based at Garland’s Cleveland headquarters since 2016.
SprayWorks has acquired Trail Sprayer & Service, a coating equipment and repair company that services and distributes products for Graco, Titan, TriTech, and MiTM.
The award is given to the top 5% of all applicators in the United States and Canada, and this is the sixth Carlisle Perfection Award that Boak & Sons has earned.
Roofing contractors in Pennsylvania and Ohio face a combined total of $353,868 in proposed penalties following the death of a 19-year-old worker in June.