With her extensive and ever-increasing drafting knowledge, Hillegass creates drawings and plans for submittal when Central Roofing is bidding on a commercial project job.
When Central Roofing Company started the job, much of the existing roof systems were unknown. The team worked for almost three months to take up the old roof and lay down new waterproof roofing systems.
Nothing about the scope of the roofing on the historic Rand Tower project was typical or normal, but Central Roofing Company stepped up to the challenge.
Topping the 277,000-square-feet Twin Cities Orthopedics (TCO) Performance Center complex is a state-of-the-art achievement: an immense roof created by Central Roofing Company of Minneapolis.
The site spotlights the 90-year history of the company, offers expanded project information and details out 10 specific services offered by Central Roofing.