
Editor's Note: Get Involved

October 4, 2002
We live and do our business in a nation of laws, so I encourage you, as business owners, to be active in the politics of your government.

In spite of the fact that there is no presidential contest this year, the election season has reached full throttle all around the country. The many important gubernatorial, congressional, local elections and referenda that are being contested will set the political and economic tone for the next two years and beyond. So what does all this have to do with your roofing business?


This is a nation of laws. Ours is an economy that is greatly impacted by those laws and the thousands of regulations that serve to interpret and aid in the enforcement of those laws. And there is that small matter of taxation. The government is involved in regulating issues like health insurance that affect our ability to attract the best workers. Building codes and licensing play a major role in the daily conduct of business in all of the construction industry. The changes for roofing contractors have been particularly significant over the decade since Hurricane Andrew.

This is not an endorsement of more or bigger government, but since we do live and do our business in a nation of laws, I encourage you as business owners to be active in the politics of your government.

I recently spoke with one business owner who has become very involved in politics. John Sanchez (R-NM) is running for governor of New Mexico, and happens to be a roofing contractor. Sanchez is owner of Right Way Roofing of Albuquerque.

According to Sanchez, he originally got involved in politics working on a campaign at the invitation of an associate. When originally asked to help, he brought out the usual excuses we have all used, such as having a business to run, etc. But the person who sought his help got right to the point with the blunt statement, “Get into politics or get out of business.” The challenge stuck and Sanchez has since served as trustee in the Village of Los Ranchos and in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

John Sanchez is convinced he can make a difference by way of public service and involvement. Asked what advice he would give to other roofing contractors, his reply was simple: “You must get involved … don’t be passive about politics.” He cites many ways roofing contractors can be involved in politics, including monetary support of candidates.

Knowing your candidates and voting is your minimum duty as a citizen of your city, state and country. Your responsibility as a business owner is to be involved to the extent that you really know your candidates. Meet with them, tell them your issues and concerns, and don’t hesitate to offer them your physical, emotional, and monetary support.

The theme of the Sanchez campaign is “Dream Big.” That would seem a good place to start on any mission. To learn more about the Sanchez campaign, visit the Web site at www.johnsanchezforgovernor.com.
