Contractors registered on the Atlas Signature Select website can now access EagleView roof measurement reports using the new ProAPP from Atlas Roofing Corp.
The Garland Company Inc. raised more than $40,000 to support the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (ALCF) in its mission to dramatically increase the patient survival rate for the nation’s number-one cancer killer.
GAF now offers Deck-Armor™ and Tiger Paw™ Custom Logo Programs, which are designed to help its contractors and distributors not only differentiate themselves from their competition but also build their reputation in their community.
Atlas Roofing Corp. is taking its well-known EnergyShield® polyiso wall insulation product line to the next level with new offerings. EnergyShield® PRO and EnergyShield® PRO2 are now available from Atlas Wall CI Board.