Many words are used to describe ballasted roofing systems — economical, basic and durable being some of the most common. The word cool, by any definition, doesn’t usually come to mind when one thinks of ballasted EPDM roofs.
For more than 25 years, visual field inspection surveys of low-slope roofing have been conducted on a regular basis by roofing industry professionals in attempts to get a handle on the expected service life of Galvalume sheet roofing panels.
From the outset, Nations Roof was envisioned as a national company structured to take advantage of economies of scale while at the same time fulfilling the unique needs of each market.
Does your company’s website include a section on daylighting? If not, you may be missing out on one of the fastest-growing trends in both commercial and residential roofing.
Together with specially designed tools and accessories for fastener placement and attachment, TRUFAST offers a simple economical and ergonomic “system solution.”