With just a few swipes on his tablet screen, or by punching a few numbers on his phone, Tecta America Corporation’s CEO and President Mark Santacrose can reach thousands of some of the most skilled roofing contractors from coast to coast for almost any situation. That’s the benefit of building one of the nation’s largest and most successful roofing-contractor companies through strategic partnerships.
Doug Cooper and Nick Wallace worked together in construction for more than a dozen years before recognizing they could build a successful business and make a bigger impact by focusing on roofing.
Originally founded in Salsbury, N.C., by Bob and his brother John Farrell, TeamCraft Roofing now has 17 locations in more than eight states, and has experienced steady growth as it approaches its 20th anniversary.
The Western Roofing Expo is annually one of the best-attended gatherings of roofing contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and consultants in the industry.