Jim Arnold saysunderlayments are one of the least appreciated and least understood elements of a steep-slope roofing system. Arnold, National Systems Manager for Polyglass USA, Inc., will explore the various product categories of underlayments and offer installation tips in a free ARW University webinar on Sept. 20. The live event will take place at 2 p.m. Eastern, so make plans to join us then and send Jim your questions during the webinar. You can register by clicking here.
The learning objectives for the webinar are as follows:
• Review the different underlayment options and how they can provide enhanced performance for the roof and efficiency for installers
• Assess the different attachment options and which one will best fit your application
• Evaluate the need to match roof type to the underlayment for improved performance
• Define the standards that guide the manufacturing of underlayments
• Identify the installation dos and don'ts for underlayments to ensure safety and max benefit
If you can't attend live, just register to view the webinar on-demand any time.