¿Quieres emprender pero no sabes por dónde empezar? Descubre las 4 mentalidades y 4 habilidades imprescindibles para construir un negocio de éxito. Supera obstáculos y alcanza tus objetivos con esta guía práctica de Ricardo González.
Greg Bolt of 10X Roofing shares the strategies behind growing a successful roofing company and what to keep in mind when a buyer is interested in your business.
Rick Damato, editorial director of Roofing Contractor and Roofing Supply Pro, has decided to leave his quill in the ink well and retire after more than 40 years in media. He offers his thoughts and well wishes to readers.
River Sea Network and Pearl Street Capital Partners partner to form Aligned Exteriors Group, a service platform targeting the residential roofing sector; AEG is actively seeking partnerships.
Do you want your roofing contractor firm to be considered attractive for an outside sale? Consider your personal and financial goals, and beware of one-off deals.
Kevin Kennedy of Beacon Exit Planning provides a birds-eye view of alternative legal strategies to consider in your business exit that can save you a bundle.
Dallas-based Generational Equity facilitated a management buyout of Brazos Commercial Roofing, completed on Dec. 15; David Galloway, a former co-owner, now solely owns the Houston-based firm.