Personal property insurers are alarmed by a surge in roof damage claims due to increased extreme weather events, inflation, and fraud, impacting roofers and policyholders alike, as premiums continue rising nationwide.
Roofing Corp of America expands into Louisiana by acquiring Roof Technologies. The move predates RCA's recent divestment and purchase by Randy Korach, RCA’s CEO.
Louisiana is boosting its 'Fortified' home roof program with $10,000 grants, with first dibs going to those policyholders of Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state's insurer of last resort.
After fits and starts, the Louisiana legislature passed a series of reforms that will soon provide homeowners with grant money to help reroof homes affected by weather-related events to comply with new “Fortified” standards that exceed current building codes.
Following major insurance reforms enacted in Florida, Louisiana officials are proposing similar policies that could affect how roofing contractors do business in the state.
AVCO specializes in roof and solar repair and replacement services for residential and commercial buildings in North and East Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.