Measuring and limiting your liability as a roofing contractor is paramount to overall business success, as are understanding your obligations before and after the warranty period.
Los contratistas de techado enfrentan altos riesgos; Dennis Verheijde de Affordable Contractors Insurance ofrece un desglose sencillo de los tipos de pólizas que necesita para mantener sus finanzas bajo control y cumplir con la ley.
Roofing contractors face high risks; Dennis Verheijde of Affordable Contractors Insurance offers an uncomplicated breakdown of the types of policies you need to keep your finances in check and remain compliant with the law.
Industry trends show a rise in 'blanket safety measures' by contractors, risking greater hazards; understanding roles is crucial to avoid such risks and educating on safety principles is vital.
In this brief video, RC Legal Insights expert Trent Cotney warns that a common problem roofing contractors can often overlook is proper drainage on the roofs they replace. Here’s how to limit your liability.
A Texas jury awarded an Austin family $3.1 million after finding a residential homebuilder, roofing contractor, and HVAC contractor negligent in constructing a house that led to toxic mold growth due to poor design and construction.
Trent Cotney, partner at Adams and Reese, provides what contractors should research when it comes to determining whether they’re still open to claims following a job.
Massive storms continue to batter Gulf Coast states, complicating pandemic-related issues like liability and supply chains for roofing contractors, says Cotney Construction Law.