IRE 2023 Seminar: "Common Mistakes that Lead to Hiring Decisions You Regret" A collaborative study by the Harris Poll and Career Builder found that the cost of a bad hire to an average employer is more than $15,000. Worse yet, bad hires are a common mistake. Companies reported that, in hindsight, 74% of employers admit to making significant hiring mistakes.

Simply put, bad hires hurt. They poison the culture in an organization and their disengagement is contagious. They lower the bar for the other people on the team as their bad habits spread. It can become a vicious cycle and become an out-of-control situation rapidly. Why? People relate more to negative than to positive information. Negative people create a multiplier effect. 


  • Higher costs.

  • Damaged customer relationships.
  • Time and effort to recruit and train replacement applicants.
  • Compromised work quality.

With data like this, the importance of improved hiring processes has never been greater. Hiring processes are key ingredients that separate good companies from great ones if done well.

At the 2023 International Roofing Expo, learn about what steps contractors should take to ensure good hiring practices. This session is the first of two related workshops presented by this author at IRE 2023 to designed help roofing contractors lead more effectively and improve their company culture. There are real costs at stake.


  • Seven simple steps that improve results
  • Five criteria for success and to avoid lawsuits
  • Tips on avoiding the trap of involving the entire company
  • How to make the offer: viewing it not as the end but just the beginning